Throughout this week-long break from the world, campers will have
the chance to discover the meaning of discipleship in Christ and
brotherly fraternity among young men.
Campers will experience incredible daily encounters with Jesus Christ through the sacraments. Days and nights are filled with fun activities, inspiring worship, challenging and engaging talks, interactive sports, and life-changing prayer experiences. We assist boys to become self-disciplined and confident young men. Through this formation we hope to imprint within their soul a true zeal to know Christ and to embrace His plan for their lives. Our goal is to help them understand this God-given vocation, and to build and strengthen the confidence they need to continue their faith journey.

Campers will be split into cabins comprised of 11 to 14 campers. Cabins are lead by three high-school aged counselors with the assistance of a team dad. Campers will spend the large majority of their time with their cabin. Throughout the week, cabin teams come together and work as a unit to compete against other teams, to learn, to pray together, and to overcome obstacles.
Every day is unique at Leadership Camp.
Dodge ball, archery, axe throwing, water games, and extreme capture the flag are just some of the key activities throughout the week.