bible study
Bible Study is an important aspect of Leadership Camp. We believe that exploring the words of Christ will help young men further develop their unique relationship with Jesus.

dodge ball
Dodge Ball is an integral team sport that is played at Leadership Camp. Through this sport campers learn teamwork, discipline, and sportmanship.

altar serving training
We believe that teaching young men to serve at the Holy Mass with reverence and piety is important in the formation of young Catholic leaders.

Archery is a daily activity at Leadership Camp. Points accumulated each day add to the grand total of points achieved among the cabin competition for the week.

We believe that the Sacraments are vital to furthering discipleship. Daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, along with Confession, experienced in God's creation gives campers a new perspective on their spiritual journey.

Taking a couple of trips to the pool throughout the week is an awesome way to cool off from the July heat. It also allows campers to spend time bonding with new and old friends.